Wings Engine

Spot Light

Spot Light widget is divided into three parts: “Basic Settings”, “Light Source” and “Camera Distance Check”.

1. Basic Settings

Configuration items Description
Origin Select the origin based on which latitude and longitude the spotlight position is determined.
Enabled Enable or hide the spotlight.
Show At Night When turned on, the spotlight will only be displayed at night and will automatically hide during the day.
Position Position parameters of the spotlight.
Rotation The rotation angle of the spotlight.

Location of Spot Light widget:

Location of the origin latitude and longitude:

Location of the day/night switch:

2. Light Source

Configuration items Description
Intensity Adjust the brightness of the light in the area illuminated by the spotlight.
Tyndall Indensity Adjust the brightness of the spotlight and increase the Tyndall effect in rainy, foggy and other scenes to increase realism.
Shadow Indensity Control the lighting effect of the spotlight on the scene or object, and adjust the thickness of the shadow.
Diffuse Color Adjusts the color of the spotlight’s glow.
Range Adjust the distance of the spotlight.
Origin Radius Adjusts the light source range of the spotlight.
Target Radius Adjust the area of the spotlight.

3. Camera Distance Check

Configuration items Description
Check Camera It is usually used in conjunction with interaction. When turned on, it will trigger interaction by detecting whether an object is approaching or moving away.